A Walk In My Sneakers

Welcome to my blog. Please relax, read and feel free to respond.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

To anyone that was following me on this blog....

I have been having difficulty posting here and so I have moved. Please join me on facebook by the same name. A Walk In My Sneakers

Thanks and hope to see you there!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Evolution of the Human Kind

Evolution. Just random thoughts in no particular order....

Sometimes I feel that the more technologically advanced we get....the more socially inept we become.

It seems to me that everyone is "into" their technology. Gone are the days of politeness, eye contact and patience. People may seem to know more in their head, but lack social inter-activeness. Kids are allowed to be rude to both each other and adults because they are texting or playing a game. That is just plain ignorant in my opinion.

Here's a random thought.... Are we somehow subconsciously manifesting what seems to be an "Autism Epidemic"? Think about it. As a society, we rarely communicate verbally any longer. Everything is email, text, etc. So why are we so concerned, or even surprised that these kids do not talk? This is evolution at it's worst.

I have encountered so many young people lately that are searching for simple validation. They so are in need of a hug. They either don't know how to ask for one, or even worse, how to accept one. It is so awkward and unnatural for them. I find this truly sad.

Think about this. We have indeed become half computer and half human. Just because it is not physically implanted within our body makes it no less true.....it's still attached to our every move. And if this is the case, then it is within reason to believe that these half human half computer beings have indeed found a way to procreate.

Am I the only one that is bothered  when I say hello to someone and they either don't hear me, or if they do, they scrunch up their face like I am bothering them and say "WHAT?!?".

So here we go...

Hats off at the table. Shirts on.

Television, cell phones, electronic devices of all kinds get shut off, muted and ignored while having any type of interaction with another human being standing right in front of you!

Pull up your pants and look me in the eye! Not because I am a woman. Not because I am older. But because I am a human being and deserve respect.

Acknowledge me because I wish to validate YOU!

Friday, July 4, 2014


It's not that my parents gave me wings...
It's that they never made me feel that I didn't have them.
How lucky was I....

Saturday, May 31, 2014

- the rediscovery of wholeness, exactly where we stand.
                                 - Jeff Foster

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December's List

December 12, 2013....and so the holidays are upon me. The ongoing lists of things to do, gifts to get, wrapping, mailings, baking, set up the tree and decorate the house, people to see....Feeling empty, rushed and tired. So in this moment I stop. I stop and remember Christ.

My new list:
Remember that I AM a child of God.
Send love and good wishes to my friends, family and loved ones.
Hug my husband longer.
Visit with my Dad and simply spend time with him.
Have an extra cup of tea and enjoy my cat asleep on my lap.
Stop, listen and smile when I hear the giggles of a child.
Keep the bird feeders full.
Laugh with a friend.
Do daily random acts of kindness.

Feeling refreshed, my heart happy and abundant.

Love my new list....

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Realize there is more

Enlighten to your new realization

Allow new enlightenment to enter

Let love show you the way

I AM love

Thank God everyday

You have begun anew
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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Power Of Simplicity

  Lost in my own troubling thoughts of a tough week, I go outside and wander around my yard and gardens forming that seemingly never ending list of things to do.

I head to the shed to get some tools to start my tasks when I notice this small flower next to the door. It has my attention, for whatever reason, and so I stop.

I notice it's simplicity, it's beauty. I think about the summer it has had. Long hot days in the sun. Heavy down pours and wind. Drought from my too busyness to water.

...and yet it still prospers. It is still there, just for me. I am touched by the power of it's simplicity.

Thank you, God

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How I Am Connected

 How I Am Connected 

 Over the years I have struggled with things like thought, illusion, reality, separateness, all connected, all one, part of the same thing, a piece of… I have always struggled with the feeling of not being connected to anything.

I went within and asked these questions. I asked the Masters and Teachers that they somehow help me to understand. I feel separate, disconnected. How am I connected? What is my place? What is my importance in the grand scheme of things? Help me to get it, help me to understand.  

Here are the thoughts and impressions given to me..

I was shown an old piece of music. I was given the impression that it was the most beautiful symphony that was ever written. Here it was in its completeness, its totality. I was then told to look at and concentrate on one particular note… Just one. I was told that without this note, without the small individual mark on this piece of paper this complex piece, this masterpiece would be incomplete. This note was in and of itself very unique and complex although it appeared to be just a mark on the page. Without it the piece of music was incomplete. With it brought joy, emotion and love to many. It soothed souls. It encouraged, it emitted emotion, it gave hope and enlightened.

I was then told how I was that note. That one little individual mark on the piece of paper so small and common to many, but that in my uniqueness I made the whole a thing of beauty.

For the first time ever, I understood. I am unique, my gifts must shine, must sing, must come out from within, must be heard and in doing so I will help complete this masterpiece.

And so when it comes to that moment in time when my note is played I now know that I can play it with complete abandon, complete confidence. I know that I have been put in this place by the Creator Himself and my uniqueness, my gift, is to give back to Him with all of the completeness of joy, gratitude and love in which he has instilled in me.
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