A Walk In My Sneakers

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Physical Stone

I've not visited my blog in awhile. I have taken the time to work on my physical self, or as previously shown to me, my physical stone.

I believe that I have done very well. I have gotten back into eating healthfully (except for today, it's my birthday and I'm going for ice cream with Fred). The weight is starting to come off. I also have started going back to the gym. It's a meager effort as I am trying not to hurt my back in anyway, but I am at least doing SOMETHING! It's crazy how much strength I have lost and a little daunting how far I have to go, but I am seeing healing.

I went to my doctor. Since I hurt my back last June, he has been suggesting at every visit that I have surgery on my back . I have not. Somehow this option just didn't "sit well" within me. Instead I have rested. I have done my physical therapy. I have babied myself. I have had two injections. I guess that if I truly believe that thoughts and intentions are things which can be manifested I should live it, so, I have even spent a bit of time talking to my back, an odd concept, but.... This time he said that I had progressed to the point that the surgery option was off the table. How cool is that!?!? I still have a ways to go. I still have numbness and pain in various places in my leg, foot and toes, but it's better! I was told by doctors that there was only a 30% chance that anything would come back without surgery. Ha! Doctors, what do they know...?

On to my next healing stone.