A Walk In My Sneakers

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Truths and Perception

A few years back, my brother and I were talking about perception. Here is the jist of story he told me.

He had a friend that used to go about the country giving seminars to different companies. One particular day he found himself running a little late for a flight. Once checked in he realized that he was both hungry and had to get some work done. So, he went and bought himself four chocolate chip cookies and found a quiet out of the way place to sit and work. No longer had he gotten himself settled when a rather large, black woman came and sat beside him. "Of all the places to sit" he thinks to himself. Before he knew it, the woman had reached into his bag, took a cookie and started eating it. He couldn't believe it and reached in and took one of his cookies and ate it. Then, the lady reached into the bag and grabbed a second cookie and began to eat it. "Unbelievable!" he thought as he shot her a look and took the last cookie.

An announcement was made for boarding and the woman, now in a huff, gathered her things and left. He sat there trying to concentrate on his work. He just couldn't believe the nerve of some people.

Soon enough, his flight was called. He stood up, gathering his things, he realized something.....his bag of cookies were still sitting there.....HE had eaten HER cookies!

Moral of he story? Just because something is your truth, doesn't make it the truth.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Belief, Responsibility To Self

I believe all religions are but a different interpretation of the same thing. I believe that it is your responsibility, your duty to yourself, to find your own personal belief system. What resonates within you. What are your truths that you live by.

Mine is an eclectic belief system. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. Some Western as well as Eastern philosophies. American Indian to Tibetan Buddhist, and some very Christian.

I was asked recently if I believe in God. Hmm. Do I believe in an Almighty Being, an Almighty Power? Yes. Do I necessarily believe that His or Her name is God, or Asna, or Om, or Mohammad, Buddha or......? Not so much. I believe that it matters not what we call them. It is the intention from our heart that matters. So when I reference "God" it is because of my upbringing, my foundation, but not necessarily in the same belief or context as you, and that's okay.

It is important  for me to know my truths. What's in my heart. How I try to live on a daily basis. What kind of person I want to be. I have learned that just because something is my truth, it doesn't necessarily make it the truth. This is something I always try to keep in mind when talking to others. I have learned, however, that these personal truths change. As we grow and learn, we see things quite differently. Yet now as I reevaluate, I feel so different about the things I once held close to me. Now comes the question of, am I strong enough to change?

It is, I believe, our responsibility to ourselves to on occasion take the time and search our hearts, minds and souls. As we live, we learn. As we learn, we teach. As we teach we grow. As we grow, we love.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

You're Only as Healthy as Your Housekeepping

A year ago I attended a short lecture at a nursery about caring for your garden. After alot of questions about should I cut back this flower, or how do I keep that flower healthy, the man giving the lecture simply said, "Your garden is only as healthy as your housekeeping".
Today, I was out in my gardens. I spent the day weeding. That comment came to mind. As it rolled around in my thoughts I discovered that I was uncovering the new growth of plants underneath while other plants were being choked out. Some weeds were easy to remove while others had deep tap roots. It's been difficult for the sun light and air to get in.
The thought then turned to my life and how this concept would apply. How many things am I holding onto that are unhealthy. How many things, important things, have I allowed to be choked out because of the day to day weeds. Friendships lost. Visits and cups of tea missed. Family calls not made. Adventures missed. So as I weeded, I started to let some things go. Minor things that for whatever reason I seem to have hung onto and have gotten in the way of me growing, experiencing, learning.
When I was young and my brothers and I would start getting on each other or we were just plain cranky, my Mom used to put it another way. She would hold the door open and tell us to "Go air out the stink".
At the end of the day I sat on the ground looking at all I had accomplished. My back ached. My hands dirty and sore. The late afternoon sun on my face. I felt lighter somehow. There are still many weeds left to work through, some with deep taproots that will be hard to unearth. But the beauty underneath will surely show through once the light and air are allowed in.