A Walk In My Sneakers

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Heart

The heart knows things that the mind can't comprehend

~Marianne Williamson
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Thursday, April 18, 2013


I go to my Collective with questions. The Masters/Teachers within.
The chair that is to my right as I sit, for the first time is filled.
There is a Being there with such a love I have never felt before,
neither in it's completeness nor in it's complexity.

This Being seems oddly, vaguely familiar to me. I take my seat and am
introduced to Ramion. The Being seemingly appears to have no particular
gender, but rather a wonderful combination of both. There is such love,
kindness, acceptance and peace. A knowingness....

I am told that I have become many things....Brash, opinionated, close
minded, harsh, negative, impatient to name a few. These things I must
change in order to move any further.

I am frustrated by being told these things, but know deep down it is
true. This describes me very aptly especially in relationship to my job
in which I have allowed to carry over into the rest of my life. The
negativity that I have allowed back into my life has showed itself in
different ways recently. The subject matter may be different, but the
negative energy and bad results remain. One way it has come back to me
is having to sadly break off the connection once again with an old
friend just recently reunited because of the same type of close
mindedness of others.

Ramion and I excuse ourselves from the others. We walk down the hall
past the healing and lecture rooms. I have never gone any farther...We
turn a corner towards the right and it opens up into the most beautiful
garden. I am taken and shown a circle on the ground and am told that
this is my Breathing Circle. (I had been shown this exact thing last
fall) It is a circle of grass six feet in diameter. Around it is another
circle about a foot wide made up of stones about three inches square.
The four directions are denoted by large crystals.

I am told to sit in the middle facing the east. I become very aware of
the birds and butterflies all around. Ramion instructs me to close my
eyes and explains to me that these things that I have become are much
too negative in energy and they each actually have a weight. These
energies must be removed. The negative energy takes hold and spreads
becoming entangled throughout my Being on many levels. It is similar to
endometriosis in it's denseness, randomness. It's encompassing restricts
proper energy flow.

Here, in the circle I must come learn to breath out the negativity
daily. Each day, as I sit, the word/negative energy will be given me.
Some are deep rooted and may take several days to leave.

I am first told to sit cross legged and to place my palms on the ground
behind me near my hips. I am to sit tall and push my shoulders back.
This will help in the opening of my chest and energy flow. I am then to
take three deep breaths in through my nose, out through pursed lips. I
am now to rest my hands in my lap palms up and to slowly breathe deeply
counting my breaths from 1-25. On exhale I am to envision a dark color
leaving my body. This color will change day to day, subject to subject.
Here, in this exchange, the negativity, this way of being that I have
become, can be released. Then I am to turn clockwise and do the same
twenty five times in each direction.

It is explained that as I am lightened, I will become enlightened. Kind
of like...in with the good, out with the bad. Then I must give thanks to
all that are/have helped me.

Ramion and I then walk farther into the garden. Again I get the fleeting
feeling of familiarity and comfortableness with this Being. We walk in
silence taking in the beauty. We come upon a bench and then sit quietly
for some time.

Finally, Ramion turns to me and looks me squarely in the eyes. A
realization. A deep knowing and deeper love rush through me and I am
Ramion is my Mom.....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013