A Walk In My Sneakers

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gloves and Gardening

Over the years, I have had many people ask me why it is that I don't use gloves with all the gardening I do. Other than liking the feel of the dirt in my hands, I never really knew the answer until today.

I don't wear gloves because they are uncomfortable and cumbersome. I compare that to this physical body in which we inhabit. Sometimes, this body, feels like a barrier between myself and God.

I have spent quite a few hours out in the garden this weekend. I have weeded, planted, transplanted and watered. I sit here and type, my hands sore and rough. My nails show the abuse of the dirt in which they have been immersed. Through digging in the dirt, I touch and feel it's coolness. I stop from time to time to watch the birds stop and drink from the fountain and listen to their song. I feel the gentle breeze on my skin and both the sun and a few rain drops on my face. I smell the lilacs that are in bloom as I walk by.

This is what I have learned...
I have heard God in the songs of the birds.
I have smelled God in the flowers of the lilac.
I have felt God's gentleness on my skin in the breeze and the rain drop.
I have seen God as I step back and look at the wonder and completeness of the beauty.
And so without gloves, I, without barrier, have truly touched God. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Conversation with Tomas

A Conversation with Tomas                                                                                         5/14/13
Tomas is a Master Teacher on the other side that I connect to intuitively

Me: Tomas, What do you think about?

T: Everything! Love, physics, apple blossoms

Me: How do we learn?

T: Free will

M: How do you mean?

T: We, here, watch the color patterns.  Like the ones you have noticed with the cars.

M: So the opposite color is the free will?

T: For you, yes. Not so for everyone. Remember the Law of Attraction. You may have to draw this for others to understand.

M: Why have I been feeling “scattered” lately?

T: Because your color is changing.

M: From what to what and why?

T: You have learned what you needed to learn in your green color. Notice that most of the colors in your home are green? You will now be changing to purple….and what color cover did you buy for your Nook? This has never been one of your choices.

This maybe a difficult one for you because rather than attracting the color purple (which you will do naturally), you will be attracting lower colors and the “cluster” will be bigger. This could take a toll on you. You must be careful. Stake your claim when it comes to sharing your energy. Replenishment is key. Because they are seeking you, therefore, you will feel their pull and the energy drain from them.

M: Is there anything else I need to do physically to prepare?

T: Be open. Here lies the difficulty at times. Be open, but guarded with your energy/time. Also, we will still be in need of you. There must be adequate time set aside for us, for you and for them. Be honest in your needs with the people closest to you.

M: Things seem to be moving both fast and slow. Can you explain that?

T: A difficult one for you to truly comprehend. Things are actually moving…coming straight at you …almost at an alarming speed. Not to worry about that though, we’ve got you. When things speed up they seem to slow down. It is a difficult thing to explain to you because you live on a time based plane. We know that you get the jist of this. It’s like when in an emergency things happen quite quickly, but it feels like slow motion.

M: So back to one of my original questions. Free will. Can you give me a better description/definition?

T: Free will is the dark spot and the light spot in your color sequence. It is contrast. As Abraham says…You know what you don’t want…. It’s where you put your energy. If you put your energy on the darker, heavier color, you will learn with more resistance as there is negativity within = a harder lesson. If your energy goes to a lighter color within your cluster, the resistance is less and you will learn the same lesson easier. Again – The Law of Attraction. Also, when you doubt, your color becomes darker.

M: Can we change in the middle? I mean if we see we have, for whatever reason, chosen the darker color, can we change in the middle of the lesson, or do we have to ride that particular lesson out?

T: …..Free will –Think about it!

M: Okay, so how would we go about doing it?

T: Breathe out the negativity. Once you catch yourself (which is a big part of the lesson), take the time to be with yourself and just breathe. Hold the thought/intention of a darker color leaving your body with each exhale. The color you choose matters not. Does this sound familiar?

M: Yes, my breathing circle.

T: Wonderful! But this knowledge, any knowledge, does you no good if you don’t use it.

M: But it feels like I don’t always have enough time in the day to accomplish all that I need to. There are everyday obligations, work, meditations, and time with you, exercise and now more. How can I accomplish it all?

T: You can’t, so stop worrying about it. Do the best you can and let us worry about the rest. Right now you are transitioning so things seem harder and there appears to be more distractions. Things will settle down. We are filtering things to you at the proper time. You will soon find a routine and accomplish much.

M: How many peas in a pod?

T: Well that depends on the size of the pod now doesn’t it? Why did you just ask that question?

M: I don’t know it just popped into my head. Should I not ask you such questions?

T: You may ask any question anytime you desire. You are human, it is your nature. It’s how you learn. That is why we are here. We are happy that you use us.

M: Thank you

T: You are welcome.

Thursday, May 2, 2013