A Walk In My Sneakers

Welcome to my blog. Please relax, read and feel free to respond.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Good Morning, Guys

M: Good morning, guys.

Vincent, Nicholas, Tomas, Ramion and Vav: Good morning.

M: What a beautiful day it is going to be!

Ramion: Indeed!

Me: What should we do today?

Ramion: Give thanks. Receive thanks. Show beauty. Receive beauty. Breathe in health. Breathe out negativity. Look out in wonder. Receive the wonder. Feel the lightness. Reject the darkness. Feel your heart fill with the color of your choice. Cut the cords. Embrace the wind. Let the physical things go .Go within. Show your true light. Feel the love. Love your Being.

Me: Sounds perfect!

Ramion: That, you are.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sunday Night

Tough time falling asleep last night, but that is not unusual for a Sunday night. Just as I was finally starting to doze, there was a voice. A different voice. Male, and it startled me. He said " about to let one go, Gail". There was the impression of great importance in his voice. I asked him who he was and what was he letting go? He told me his name was Crow, but nothing else.
I woke up this morning with this vision....dream? I was at my parent's home. My Mom was on the phone I believe talking to my grandmother. My Dad yelled from outside to "look at the size of that snake!" We looked out the window and there was a massive tractor with and even larger trailer. Logically it did not make sense. It was wider than our house and the house across the street. As it past I knew that this snake was the Kundalini (Sp?) or earth's energy/power/light. I felt it in my Being. As it passed, I saw in It's wake past the horizon was both much beauty and devastation.
I don't know if these two things are connected.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feeling Off


M: Why am I here?

VNT: To teach many

M: How many?

VNT: Really? What are you really after here?

M: Don’t know. Feeling off.

VNT: Then do something about it.

M: Like what?

VNT: Start over. Start new. Begin again.

M: When?

VNT: In the morning. Take everything you have learned and start again. You have a saying, “If I only knew then what I know now…” Well, you know it now. Start now. Pick three things that aren’t working for you and do the opposite. Most things you know better, but don’t apply what you have learned. Start applying it. You ask. We give you knowledge and you don’t use it and you say YOU are frustrated?! Tomorrow, when you get up, put on your big girl panties and start applying the knowledge we have put before you. Three simple things: Breathe better. Eat better. Move better.  Start understanding that you are the priority. To be a better you, we are all better for we are all connected. Your responsibility is to self. Let things go that matter not. Bring things in that matter much. You can change it all by simply changing your mind. It is truly that simple.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Talking With Vincent...

Me: Guys….Why don’t I think smartly?

Vincent: What do you mean? You think quite smartly.

M: No, I mean technically. Things like Physics, Math, Science, etc.

V: Because you don’t need to. You have learned those lessons. Thinking in those ways in this lifetime for you would clog, hinder, and limit your ability to do what you do. Do not doubt your smartness. You have learned well and are way ahead of most. There Is a wisdom to you. Your wisdom trumps those smarts.

M: But wouldn’t I be better off with those smarts too?

V: You have exactly what you need…and then some….to carry out your journey quite successfully. Why are you doubting this now?

M: Not doubting, curious, I guess.

V: Do you realize that you do twice as much as most everyone else?

M: How do you mean?

V: Well for instance for every sense that you have (seeing, hearing, feeling, etc.), it is a multiple task for you. Most are aware of these things only around them. You do it on multiple planes all at the same time. Those physics, math, and sciences do not / cannot completely explain all that you do or what we are all about. Too much smarts will get you into trouble and cloud your head of the truth. There is much that is claimed to be known.

M: Are we that far off base?

V: Some of you, yes, but that is how you as a people learn. Do not be confused. We are not speaking of you, but of your society in general.

M: And if we continue to go this closed minded route will we implode such as Atlantis did?

V: No, there would be interventions that would take place.

M: From you?

V: Yes and no. There are so many variables that can play out. There are many layers. Be assured we have you (worldwide) on a short leash. There are already things happening that we are gently persuading a different outcome than expected. When we do this, we are in hopes that mindsets will change and another direction will be taken. Not always so. Egos, fame, control…all human traits that would surely cause harm and disaster if left to their own device.

M: How is this different from Sandy Hook or Boston? There was no interference from you then.

V: You are confusing things. We are talking globally…and we were at Sandy Hook and Boston. You know this. These are very different lessons.

M: Yes, I do know this, but people will ask me to explain and I don’t always have the words to explain. I get the jist of things. It is much tougher to put these things into words. A lot of what you give me are impressions, feelings, inklings not words.

V: This is true, but this just means that there is another avenue for you to access with us.

M: I don’t understand. What do you mean? You mean that there is another way of communicating with you?

V: Yes.

M: Well?

V: Keep working on raising your vibration. Never stop that. Eventually, things will become clearer, easier. You’re still growing into this. Let it unfold.