How I Am Connected
Over the years I have
struggled with things like thought, illusion, reality, separateness, all
connected, all one, part of the same thing, a piece of… I have always struggled
with the feeling of not being connected to anything.
I went within and asked these questions. I asked the Masters
and Teachers that they somehow help me to understand. I feel separate,
disconnected. How am I connected? What is my place? What is my importance in
the grand scheme of things? Help me to get it, help me to understand.
Here are the thoughts and impressions given to me..
I was shown an old piece of music. I was given the impression
that it was the most beautiful symphony that was ever written. Here it was in
its completeness, its totality. I was then told to look at and concentrate on
one particular note… Just one. I was told that without this note, without the
small individual mark on this piece of paper this complex piece, this
masterpiece would be incomplete. This note was in and of itself very unique and
complex although it appeared to be just a mark on the page. Without it the
piece of music was incomplete. With it brought joy, emotion and love to many.
It soothed souls. It encouraged, it emitted emotion, it gave hope and
I was then told how I was that note. That one little
individual mark on the piece of paper so small and common to many, but that in
my uniqueness I made the whole a thing of beauty.
For the first time ever, I understood. I am unique, my gifts
must shine, must sing, must come out from within, must be heard and in doing so
I will help complete this masterpiece.
And so when it comes to that moment in time when my note is
played I now know that I can play it with complete abandon, complete
confidence. I know that I have been put in this place by the Creator Himself
and my uniqueness, my gift, is to give back to Him with all of the completeness
of joy, gratitude and love in which he has instilled in me.