A Walk In My Sneakers

Welcome to my blog. Please relax, read and feel free to respond.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December's List

December 12, 2013....and so the holidays are upon me. The ongoing lists of things to do, gifts to get, wrapping, mailings, baking, set up the tree and decorate the house, people to see....Feeling empty, rushed and tired. So in this moment I stop. I stop and remember Christ.

My new list:
Remember that I AM a child of God.
Send love and good wishes to my friends, family and loved ones.
Hug my husband longer.
Visit with my Dad and simply spend time with him.
Have an extra cup of tea and enjoy my cat asleep on my lap.
Stop, listen and smile when I hear the giggles of a child.
Keep the bird feeders full.
Laugh with a friend.
Do daily random acts of kindness.

Feeling refreshed, my heart happy and abundant.

Love my new list....

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Realize there is more

Enlighten to your new realization

Allow new enlightenment to enter

Let love show you the way

I AM love

Thank God everyday

You have begun anew
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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Power Of Simplicity

  Lost in my own troubling thoughts of a tough week, I go outside and wander around my yard and gardens forming that seemingly never ending list of things to do.

I head to the shed to get some tools to start my tasks when I notice this small flower next to the door. It has my attention, for whatever reason, and so I stop.

I notice it's simplicity, it's beauty. I think about the summer it has had. Long hot days in the sun. Heavy down pours and wind. Drought from my too busyness to water.

...and yet it still prospers. It is still there, just for me. I am touched by the power of it's simplicity.

Thank you, God

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How I Am Connected

 How I Am Connected 

 Over the years I have struggled with things like thought, illusion, reality, separateness, all connected, all one, part of the same thing, a piece of… I have always struggled with the feeling of not being connected to anything.

I went within and asked these questions. I asked the Masters and Teachers that they somehow help me to understand. I feel separate, disconnected. How am I connected? What is my place? What is my importance in the grand scheme of things? Help me to get it, help me to understand.  

Here are the thoughts and impressions given to me..

I was shown an old piece of music. I was given the impression that it was the most beautiful symphony that was ever written. Here it was in its completeness, its totality. I was then told to look at and concentrate on one particular note… Just one. I was told that without this note, without the small individual mark on this piece of paper this complex piece, this masterpiece would be incomplete. This note was in and of itself very unique and complex although it appeared to be just a mark on the page. Without it the piece of music was incomplete. With it brought joy, emotion and love to many. It soothed souls. It encouraged, it emitted emotion, it gave hope and enlightened.

I was then told how I was that note. That one little individual mark on the piece of paper so small and common to many, but that in my uniqueness I made the whole a thing of beauty.

For the first time ever, I understood. I am unique, my gifts must shine, must sing, must come out from within, must be heard and in doing so I will help complete this masterpiece.

And so when it comes to that moment in time when my note is played I now know that I can play it with complete abandon, complete confidence. I know that I have been put in this place by the Creator Himself and my uniqueness, my gift, is to give back to Him with all of the completeness of joy, gratitude and love in which he has instilled in me.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Random Organization

It seems that in the randomness of the garden,
I feel the most organized....
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Sometimes in life, it appears that you carry heavy thoughts. You in return feel clouded, trapped and without answers.

In reality, those thoughts are weightless. We are the ones that assign them their weight.

Cut the cord. Let them float ever higher like a balloon until out of sight.

Now, take that same thought and smile knowing that the heaviness is gone. Allow your perceived reality to lighten. See it in a different light.

If allowed, the answers will begin to show themselves.

Breathe. Allow. Feel the gratitude of your new found freedom. 
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Questioning Without the Words

Me: Good afternoon!

The Collective: Indeed!

Me: I have the inkling of a question, but not the full comprehension in order to put it into words.

Collective: Do the best you can.

M: But isn’t there a formula…words, emotion, vibration, etc. that I must have before asking a “big” question?

Vincent, Nicholas: There is a formula, so to speak, but it is not quite as literal as you understand it. You must put the energy into really wanting to know the answer. You must be to a point where you can openly accept the true answer…or even a piece of it. You must have this emotion/vibration/knowing energy within your heart. Please, do the best you can.

Me: There are a few parts that I don’t know how to connect.  It has to do with going within, of finding that place of total love and acceptance. That place of inner knowingness. Then the knowledge that each of us, no matter how it looks to others, is on our own spiritual path and the knowingness that I cannot control the actions of another. From there, the first feelings of assault/impact on my Being when something like 911 or Boston happen. We are all one. So should I not feel the pain? With discomfort comes growth. I have learned that to say a prayer…and feel it…for ALL involved is the right thing to do. But again, I don’t know how to connect it all.

Ramion: These are good questions and you know/understand more than you think you do. Not everything can be put into words. Sometimes, things just are. Yes, it is true that you feel the impact. How can you not? Your media is everywhere and keeps things “in your face”. Yes, it is important to report these tragedies, but they are kept out there repeatedly and those actions are self-serving. The egos involved in the media. Ratings, that exclusive interview, air time….all of which is not to the benefit of the incident and lesson itself. You have learned to have compassion and love for all of the Beings in any tragedy. This is an important step that many cannot/will not accept, and with that, you are already ahead. You know how to go within and find that compassion/love/acceptance for not only the victims, but the person that set this into motion and send that healing love out to those in need.  In doing so, you find peace quicker than most and move on.

Me: But sometimes I don’t feel that I have the compassion that I should. I mean I feel the hurt. I feel the loss, but sometimes feel as though I’ve been hardened in a way.

Ramion: Don’t confuse things.  The fact is that you are a very compassionate Being. That is proven by your sending love to all. Just because you don’t “jump on the band wagon”, doesn’t mean that you have become hardened, quite the contrary. Remember, you are a teacher. You have learned these lessons. You move on quicker, and you are there to help others learn.

Me: Thank you

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Good Morning, Guys

M: Good morning, guys.

Vincent, Nicholas, Tomas, Ramion and Vav: Good morning.

M: What a beautiful day it is going to be!

Ramion: Indeed!

Me: What should we do today?

Ramion: Give thanks. Receive thanks. Show beauty. Receive beauty. Breathe in health. Breathe out negativity. Look out in wonder. Receive the wonder. Feel the lightness. Reject the darkness. Feel your heart fill with the color of your choice. Cut the cords. Embrace the wind. Let the physical things go .Go within. Show your true light. Feel the love. Love your Being.

Me: Sounds perfect!

Ramion: That, you are.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sunday Night

Tough time falling asleep last night, but that is not unusual for a Sunday night. Just as I was finally starting to doze, there was a voice. A different voice. Male, and it startled me. He said " about to let one go, Gail". There was the impression of great importance in his voice. I asked him who he was and what was he letting go? He told me his name was Crow, but nothing else.
I woke up this morning with this vision....dream? I was at my parent's home. My Mom was on the phone I believe talking to my grandmother. My Dad yelled from outside to "look at the size of that snake!" We looked out the window and there was a massive tractor with and even larger trailer. Logically it did not make sense. It was wider than our house and the house across the street. As it past I knew that this snake was the Kundalini (Sp?) or earth's energy/power/light. I felt it in my Being. As it passed, I saw in It's wake past the horizon was both much beauty and devastation.
I don't know if these two things are connected.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feeling Off


M: Why am I here?

VNT: To teach many

M: How many?

VNT: Really? What are you really after here?

M: Don’t know. Feeling off.

VNT: Then do something about it.

M: Like what?

VNT: Start over. Start new. Begin again.

M: When?

VNT: In the morning. Take everything you have learned and start again. You have a saying, “If I only knew then what I know now…” Well, you know it now. Start now. Pick three things that aren’t working for you and do the opposite. Most things you know better, but don’t apply what you have learned. Start applying it. You ask. We give you knowledge and you don’t use it and you say YOU are frustrated?! Tomorrow, when you get up, put on your big girl panties and start applying the knowledge we have put before you. Three simple things: Breathe better. Eat better. Move better.  Start understanding that you are the priority. To be a better you, we are all better for we are all connected. Your responsibility is to self. Let things go that matter not. Bring things in that matter much. You can change it all by simply changing your mind. It is truly that simple.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Talking With Vincent...

Me: Guys….Why don’t I think smartly?

Vincent: What do you mean? You think quite smartly.

M: No, I mean technically. Things like Physics, Math, Science, etc.

V: Because you don’t need to. You have learned those lessons. Thinking in those ways in this lifetime for you would clog, hinder, and limit your ability to do what you do. Do not doubt your smartness. You have learned well and are way ahead of most. There Is a wisdom to you. Your wisdom trumps those smarts.

M: But wouldn’t I be better off with those smarts too?

V: You have exactly what you need…and then some….to carry out your journey quite successfully. Why are you doubting this now?

M: Not doubting, curious, I guess.

V: Do you realize that you do twice as much as most everyone else?

M: How do you mean?

V: Well for instance for every sense that you have (seeing, hearing, feeling, etc.), it is a multiple task for you. Most are aware of these things only around them. You do it on multiple planes all at the same time. Those physics, math, and sciences do not / cannot completely explain all that you do or what we are all about. Too much smarts will get you into trouble and cloud your head of the truth. There is much that is claimed to be known.

M: Are we that far off base?

V: Some of you, yes, but that is how you as a people learn. Do not be confused. We are not speaking of you, but of your society in general.

M: And if we continue to go this closed minded route will we implode such as Atlantis did?

V: No, there would be interventions that would take place.

M: From you?

V: Yes and no. There are so many variables that can play out. There are many layers. Be assured we have you (worldwide) on a short leash. There are already things happening that we are gently persuading a different outcome than expected. When we do this, we are in hopes that mindsets will change and another direction will be taken. Not always so. Egos, fame, control…all human traits that would surely cause harm and disaster if left to their own device.

M: How is this different from Sandy Hook or Boston? There was no interference from you then.

V: You are confusing things. We are talking globally…and we were at Sandy Hook and Boston. You know this. These are very different lessons.

M: Yes, I do know this, but people will ask me to explain and I don’t always have the words to explain. I get the jist of things. It is much tougher to put these things into words. A lot of what you give me are impressions, feelings, inklings not words.

V: This is true, but this just means that there is another avenue for you to access with us.

M: I don’t understand. What do you mean? You mean that there is another way of communicating with you?

V: Yes.

M: Well?

V: Keep working on raising your vibration. Never stop that. Eventually, things will become clearer, easier. You’re still growing into this. Let it unfold.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gloves and Gardening

Over the years, I have had many people ask me why it is that I don't use gloves with all the gardening I do. Other than liking the feel of the dirt in my hands, I never really knew the answer until today.

I don't wear gloves because they are uncomfortable and cumbersome. I compare that to this physical body in which we inhabit. Sometimes, this body, feels like a barrier between myself and God.

I have spent quite a few hours out in the garden this weekend. I have weeded, planted, transplanted and watered. I sit here and type, my hands sore and rough. My nails show the abuse of the dirt in which they have been immersed. Through digging in the dirt, I touch and feel it's coolness. I stop from time to time to watch the birds stop and drink from the fountain and listen to their song. I feel the gentle breeze on my skin and both the sun and a few rain drops on my face. I smell the lilacs that are in bloom as I walk by.

This is what I have learned...
I have heard God in the songs of the birds.
I have smelled God in the flowers of the lilac.
I have felt God's gentleness on my skin in the breeze and the rain drop.
I have seen God as I step back and look at the wonder and completeness of the beauty.
And so without gloves, I, without barrier, have truly touched God. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Conversation with Tomas

A Conversation with Tomas                                                                                         5/14/13
Tomas is a Master Teacher on the other side that I connect to intuitively

Me: Tomas, What do you think about?

T: Everything! Love, physics, apple blossoms

Me: How do we learn?

T: Free will

M: How do you mean?

T: We, here, watch the color patterns.  Like the ones you have noticed with the cars.

M: So the opposite color is the free will?

T: For you, yes. Not so for everyone. Remember the Law of Attraction. You may have to draw this for others to understand.

M: Why have I been feeling “scattered” lately?

T: Because your color is changing.

M: From what to what and why?

T: You have learned what you needed to learn in your green color. Notice that most of the colors in your home are green? You will now be changing to purple….and what color cover did you buy for your Nook? This has never been one of your choices.

This maybe a difficult one for you because rather than attracting the color purple (which you will do naturally), you will be attracting lower colors and the “cluster” will be bigger. This could take a toll on you. You must be careful. Stake your claim when it comes to sharing your energy. Replenishment is key. Because they are seeking you, therefore, you will feel their pull and the energy drain from them.

M: Is there anything else I need to do physically to prepare?

T: Be open. Here lies the difficulty at times. Be open, but guarded with your energy/time. Also, we will still be in need of you. There must be adequate time set aside for us, for you and for them. Be honest in your needs with the people closest to you.

M: Things seem to be moving both fast and slow. Can you explain that?

T: A difficult one for you to truly comprehend. Things are actually moving…coming straight at you …almost at an alarming speed. Not to worry about that though, we’ve got you. When things speed up they seem to slow down. It is a difficult thing to explain to you because you live on a time based plane. We know that you get the jist of this. It’s like when in an emergency things happen quite quickly, but it feels like slow motion.

M: So back to one of my original questions. Free will. Can you give me a better description/definition?

T: Free will is the dark spot and the light spot in your color sequence. It is contrast. As Abraham says…You know what you don’t want…. It’s where you put your energy. If you put your energy on the darker, heavier color, you will learn with more resistance as there is negativity within = a harder lesson. If your energy goes to a lighter color within your cluster, the resistance is less and you will learn the same lesson easier. Again – The Law of Attraction. Also, when you doubt, your color becomes darker.

M: Can we change in the middle? I mean if we see we have, for whatever reason, chosen the darker color, can we change in the middle of the lesson, or do we have to ride that particular lesson out?

T: …..Free will –Think about it!

M: Okay, so how would we go about doing it?

T: Breathe out the negativity. Once you catch yourself (which is a big part of the lesson), take the time to be with yourself and just breathe. Hold the thought/intention of a darker color leaving your body with each exhale. The color you choose matters not. Does this sound familiar?

M: Yes, my breathing circle.

T: Wonderful! But this knowledge, any knowledge, does you no good if you don’t use it.

M: But it feels like I don’t always have enough time in the day to accomplish all that I need to. There are everyday obligations, work, meditations, and time with you, exercise and now more. How can I accomplish it all?

T: You can’t, so stop worrying about it. Do the best you can and let us worry about the rest. Right now you are transitioning so things seem harder and there appears to be more distractions. Things will settle down. We are filtering things to you at the proper time. You will soon find a routine and accomplish much.

M: How many peas in a pod?

T: Well that depends on the size of the pod now doesn’t it? Why did you just ask that question?

M: I don’t know it just popped into my head. Should I not ask you such questions?

T: You may ask any question anytime you desire. You are human, it is your nature. It’s how you learn. That is why we are here. We are happy that you use us.

M: Thank you

T: You are welcome.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Heart

The heart knows things that the mind can't comprehend

~Marianne Williamson
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Thursday, April 18, 2013


I go to my Collective with questions. The Masters/Teachers within.
The chair that is to my right as I sit, for the first time is filled.
There is a Being there with such a love I have never felt before,
neither in it's completeness nor in it's complexity.

This Being seems oddly, vaguely familiar to me. I take my seat and am
introduced to Ramion. The Being seemingly appears to have no particular
gender, but rather a wonderful combination of both. There is such love,
kindness, acceptance and peace. A knowingness....

I am told that I have become many things....Brash, opinionated, close
minded, harsh, negative, impatient to name a few. These things I must
change in order to move any further.

I am frustrated by being told these things, but know deep down it is
true. This describes me very aptly especially in relationship to my job
in which I have allowed to carry over into the rest of my life. The
negativity that I have allowed back into my life has showed itself in
different ways recently. The subject matter may be different, but the
negative energy and bad results remain. One way it has come back to me
is having to sadly break off the connection once again with an old
friend just recently reunited because of the same type of close
mindedness of others.

Ramion and I excuse ourselves from the others. We walk down the hall
past the healing and lecture rooms. I have never gone any farther...We
turn a corner towards the right and it opens up into the most beautiful
garden. I am taken and shown a circle on the ground and am told that
this is my Breathing Circle. (I had been shown this exact thing last
fall) It is a circle of grass six feet in diameter. Around it is another
circle about a foot wide made up of stones about three inches square.
The four directions are denoted by large crystals.

I am told to sit in the middle facing the east. I become very aware of
the birds and butterflies all around. Ramion instructs me to close my
eyes and explains to me that these things that I have become are much
too negative in energy and they each actually have a weight. These
energies must be removed. The negative energy takes hold and spreads
becoming entangled throughout my Being on many levels. It is similar to
endometriosis in it's denseness, randomness. It's encompassing restricts
proper energy flow.

Here, in the circle I must come learn to breath out the negativity
daily. Each day, as I sit, the word/negative energy will be given me.
Some are deep rooted and may take several days to leave.

I am first told to sit cross legged and to place my palms on the ground
behind me near my hips. I am to sit tall and push my shoulders back.
This will help in the opening of my chest and energy flow. I am then to
take three deep breaths in through my nose, out through pursed lips. I
am now to rest my hands in my lap palms up and to slowly breathe deeply
counting my breaths from 1-25. On exhale I am to envision a dark color
leaving my body. This color will change day to day, subject to subject.
Here, in this exchange, the negativity, this way of being that I have
become, can be released. Then I am to turn clockwise and do the same
twenty five times in each direction.

It is explained that as I am lightened, I will become enlightened. Kind
of like...in with the good, out with the bad. Then I must give thanks to
all that are/have helped me.

Ramion and I then walk farther into the garden. Again I get the fleeting
feeling of familiarity and comfortableness with this Being. We walk in
silence taking in the beauty. We come upon a bench and then sit quietly
for some time.

Finally, Ramion turns to me and looks me squarely in the eyes. A
realization. A deep knowing and deeper love rush through me and I am
Ramion is my Mom.....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


If you live in harmony with nature, you will never be poor.

~Lucius Annaeus Seneca~

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Enroute to the rooms in my mind.....

There are places I go when I go within. They are ancient, magical places that are familiar to me in a way I cannot explain. There, I find the answers. 
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Isn't It Spring....YET??!!

I sit here as the snow swirls around outside my window. Just the other day I was out walking around my yard peeking at the new growth just starting to show itself. How exciting, I thought. I love spring. The freshness. The newness. The surprises. I honestly can say that I can feel it in my Being. There is a feeling of gratitude that encompasses me. I wish I could bottle that feeling for days like today.
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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just a Penny

Just a Penny
The thought came into my mind, “It’s just a penny”. I began to contemplate…..

 It started as a thought put to a piece of paper. It then went through many drafts and needed the approval of many. This small thing of value developed to pay a debt or buy food for a family. Most times the debt paid in combination with other coin, but quite possibly, from one small child to another.

 It took men and women to find, gather and process the metals that were to be used not just in the penny, but for the machinery needed to make this penny. It quite possibly cost some their lives. Also, I think about the buildings that had to be built to manufacture the penny and security to keep this thing of value safe. Already, hundreds of people have “touched” this penny and it hasn’t even been made yet.

 Once produced, it begins to circulate. It is shiny and new. It finds itself being moved from place to place, from hand to hand. Over the years it has touched ...many. It has been lost and found and lost again. It has been appreciated by some and cast away as useless by others.

 This penny may no longer be shiny, but it is still of much value to me. I appreciate all of the men, women and children it has come in contact with from its conception and I send them heartfelt blessings. What dreams have been connected to this penny?

 I recognize the integrity within it, proudly having “Honest Abe” visible on its front and carrying its belief “In God We Trust” fore most on its mind always.

 And so to me, no….This is NOT just a penny.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Matter Doesn't Matter

Matter doesn't matter......

We all have Spirit around us....always. These perfect Beings are our own little army of greatness. But we must do four very important things. We must ASK, BELIEVE, ALLOW and THANK.

There is NOTHING that they cannot do. They want only that we be happy.

To not use them once you know of them is shear silliness. It would be as if you were drowning and you refused to use the life vest handed to you.

ASK. Start small to gain the confidence. Before you leave your driveway, ask for a convenient parking space. Ask for a short wait at your next doctors appointment. Then ask for more and bigger.

BELIEVE. When you ask, they immediately jump into action setting things in motion in order for you to have exactly what you just asked for. It is The Law of Attraction and their love for us. Believe in them. Believe in yourself.

You must then ALLOW them to bring what you ask for to you. If you are doubting, you are not allowing. Know that their timing is always perfect even though it may not be your timing. Don't let this deter you. There is confidence in this knowledge.

Then simply say thank you.

It truly matters not what you ask for. Matter, doesn't matter.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Operation Dream

Last night as I slept, I had a dream....or was it something else?

I fell right to sleep last night. Now that doesn't happen as frequently as I would like. I heard a voice say that I was in the hospital for some surgery. As the night went on, I would occaisionally "come to" as if coming out of anesthia. Things were foggy, but I felt quite comfortable and at ease. Each time I awoke I would be in a different room. This happened a number of times.

I felt that the part, or parts of me that were being operated on were not physical, but more on a spiritual level. It was like my core was being addressed. Then my chakra and also my head. I also, at some point felt as though I was receiving an attunement of some sort.

This morning when I woke, I felt both very calm and relaxed. These feelings have continued throughout the day along with a sense of power and knowing.

The trick for me has always been the ability to hang onto the feelings of the greatness I (we all) have within. Why do I struggle with this?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Start Where You Are

Standing in a doorway in my mind, wondering why I feel stuck.... I have heard people say to start where you are. Okay, but where in THE hell am I?! I then appear to be standing on a stepping stone seemingly floating in mid air!
"Step forward" I am told.
What? Step forward?
"Yes, step forward".
So I do. As I step, I feel as if in that instant, everything has been stripped away, like a tablecloth that has been stripped from a set table. I look back and realize that I have just stepped out of my body. There is what looks like a costume of me lying in a heap on the ground yet I still feel intact. I'm confused. What just happened?
"You no longer need all that baggage. It is holding you back".
But that's ME!?
"No, that is not you. You are a wonderful Being that has learned and experienced many things. That is just the book's cover. What's important is within. This simple fact has always confused and eluded you".
"Start where you are".

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

At Any Given Moment

At any given moment, remember just this...

Latitude, Longitude = Where you are physically

Attitude = Where your head is

Gratitude = Where your heart is 
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