A Walk In My Sneakers

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just a Penny

Just a Penny
The thought came into my mind, “It’s just a penny”. I began to contemplate…..

 It started as a thought put to a piece of paper. It then went through many drafts and needed the approval of many. This small thing of value developed to pay a debt or buy food for a family. Most times the debt paid in combination with other coin, but quite possibly, from one small child to another.

 It took men and women to find, gather and process the metals that were to be used not just in the penny, but for the machinery needed to make this penny. It quite possibly cost some their lives. Also, I think about the buildings that had to be built to manufacture the penny and security to keep this thing of value safe. Already, hundreds of people have “touched” this penny and it hasn’t even been made yet.

 Once produced, it begins to circulate. It is shiny and new. It finds itself being moved from place to place, from hand to hand. Over the years it has touched ...many. It has been lost and found and lost again. It has been appreciated by some and cast away as useless by others.

 This penny may no longer be shiny, but it is still of much value to me. I appreciate all of the men, women and children it has come in contact with from its conception and I send them heartfelt blessings. What dreams have been connected to this penny?

 I recognize the integrity within it, proudly having “Honest Abe” visible on its front and carrying its belief “In God We Trust” fore most on its mind always.

 And so to me, no….This is NOT just a penny.

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