A Walk In My Sneakers

Welcome to my blog. Please relax, read and feel free to respond.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Feather and the Stone

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To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.. Deepak Chopra ♥♥♥

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Book of Meditations

Does anyone else see the silliness of this? I bought a book of meditations. I settle in and start to read...."Relax and concentrate on your breathing. Deep breaths, in and out. Now, close your eyes"............Hmmmm, jeez, how does the rest of the meditation go????

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lessons Learned

Lessons learned, well kinda, in no particular order....

-Never kiss your cat after applying a fresh coat of chap stick.

-Chickens don't like to lay down and be covered up like humans. (Come on, I was only two)

-When your Mom tells you to stay out of her nail polish, don't put your socks and shoes on when you hear her coming! Never did save those socks.

-You never know when you're making a memory for someone.

- If you make your bed sideways, you can fit more kids in it.

-Those little white gloves that Mom makes you wear to Sunday school are NOT to be used as toilet paper. (Okay, I'm really dating myself there).

-When your big brother picks on you all day, wait for him to fall asleep to punch him in the eye.

-There is a big difference between wishful thinking and regrets. Treat them respectively.

-There is nothing to fear about dying. Once you realize you've done it before, it's no big thing.

-Always have a close girlfriend.

-Husbands and fathers are "guys" not "gods". They make mistakes and that's okay.

-That lady on the street corner asking for help may be more than she seems.

-Be faithful and true...to yourself.

-Find humor in everything, especially yourself.  It's there, just look.

-There is always more to learn.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


By validating someone else, you in turn validate yourself.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Truths and Perception

A few years back, my brother and I were talking about perception. Here is the jist of story he told me.

He had a friend that used to go about the country giving seminars to different companies. One particular day he found himself running a little late for a flight. Once checked in he realized that he was both hungry and had to get some work done. So, he went and bought himself four chocolate chip cookies and found a quiet out of the way place to sit and work. No longer had he gotten himself settled when a rather large, black woman came and sat beside him. "Of all the places to sit" he thinks to himself. Before he knew it, the woman had reached into his bag, took a cookie and started eating it. He couldn't believe it and reached in and took one of his cookies and ate it. Then, the lady reached into the bag and grabbed a second cookie and began to eat it. "Unbelievable!" he thought as he shot her a look and took the last cookie.

An announcement was made for boarding and the woman, now in a huff, gathered her things and left. He sat there trying to concentrate on his work. He just couldn't believe the nerve of some people.

Soon enough, his flight was called. He stood up, gathering his things, he realized something.....his bag of cookies were still sitting there.....HE had eaten HER cookies!

Moral of he story? Just because something is your truth, doesn't make it the truth.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Belief, Responsibility To Self

I believe all religions are but a different interpretation of the same thing. I believe that it is your responsibility, your duty to yourself, to find your own personal belief system. What resonates within you. What are your truths that you live by.

Mine is an eclectic belief system. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. Some Western as well as Eastern philosophies. American Indian to Tibetan Buddhist, and some very Christian.

I was asked recently if I believe in God. Hmm. Do I believe in an Almighty Being, an Almighty Power? Yes. Do I necessarily believe that His or Her name is God, or Asna, or Om, or Mohammad, Buddha or......? Not so much. I believe that it matters not what we call them. It is the intention from our heart that matters. So when I reference "God" it is because of my upbringing, my foundation, but not necessarily in the same belief or context as you, and that's okay.

It is important  for me to know my truths. What's in my heart. How I try to live on a daily basis. What kind of person I want to be. I have learned that just because something is my truth, it doesn't necessarily make it the truth. This is something I always try to keep in mind when talking to others. I have learned, however, that these personal truths change. As we grow and learn, we see things quite differently. Yet now as I reevaluate, I feel so different about the things I once held close to me. Now comes the question of, am I strong enough to change?

It is, I believe, our responsibility to ourselves to on occasion take the time and search our hearts, minds and souls. As we live, we learn. As we learn, we teach. As we teach we grow. As we grow, we love.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

You're Only as Healthy as Your Housekeepping

A year ago I attended a short lecture at a nursery about caring for your garden. After alot of questions about should I cut back this flower, or how do I keep that flower healthy, the man giving the lecture simply said, "Your garden is only as healthy as your housekeeping".
Today, I was out in my gardens. I spent the day weeding. That comment came to mind. As it rolled around in my thoughts I discovered that I was uncovering the new growth of plants underneath while other plants were being choked out. Some weeds were easy to remove while others had deep tap roots. It's been difficult for the sun light and air to get in.
The thought then turned to my life and how this concept would apply. How many things am I holding onto that are unhealthy. How many things, important things, have I allowed to be choked out because of the day to day weeds. Friendships lost. Visits and cups of tea missed. Family calls not made. Adventures missed. So as I weeded, I started to let some things go. Minor things that for whatever reason I seem to have hung onto and have gotten in the way of me growing, experiencing, learning.
When I was young and my brothers and I would start getting on each other or we were just plain cranky, my Mom used to put it another way. She would hold the door open and tell us to "Go air out the stink".
At the end of the day I sat on the ground looking at all I had accomplished. My back ached. My hands dirty and sore. The late afternoon sun on my face. I felt lighter somehow. There are still many weeds left to work through, some with deep taproots that will be hard to unearth. But the beauty underneath will surely show through once the light and air are allowed in.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yesterday and Today

I went to work.
I cleaned my house
I endlessly checked emails, facebook and texts.
I played a couple of games on the computer.
I ate dinner.
I went to bed.
Wasted day.
Something has got to give.

I went to work.
I shared a smile with a stranger.
I looked into the curious eyes of a small child.
I hugged a friend tighter.
I sat and watched a butterfly dance across my garden.
I laughed out loud at complete and total silliness.
I told my husband how much I loved him.
Gifted day.
A much better way to live.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You do it too

I am a medium.
I believe that everyone, to a degree, does what I do all the time and never even realizes it. Let me give you some examples of what I mean.
Have you ever lost something? You look and look but to no avail. Then, later, when you are doing some menial task, it just pops into your head where the item you lost is! -or- You have a difficult project that you're working on. You can't quite get it. You try looking at it from different approaches. You examine the concept again and again and you just can't quite seem to get it. Again, later, doing something else when your mind is free, the answer pops in. THAT'S how I hear things.
If I were to say to you, picture so and so's face. In your mind you would be able to "see" their face. If I were to say, remember something you both did together. You would be able to see a little mini motion picture of that particular event. THAT'S how I see things.
There are a few ways for this one.
Impressions. Emotions. Illness/Injury.
For illness/injury, sometimes I will get an uncomfortable feeling in the area of my body where the person was affected. You know this as the universal....a guy gets hit in the crotch with a ball.
Ever just walk into a room and immediately you can feel the emotions in the "air"? Good or bad, you know it, you feel it.
Impressions are a little different. Ever start talking to a stranger and just gat an impression? Maybe they are strong, funny, happy, a grandmother, a soldier, etc.
You do it too. Recognize it. Welcome it. Embrace it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Live Without Possessions


I woke up this morning with this phrase in my head. I've been pondering it ever since. I have always believed that living well and being comfortable wasn't an issue. Live within your means.

Ahhh, live without  the consumption of possessions. I guess that could definitely be an issue. I guess I am rather attached to being comfortable. I know that I could do with much less, in fact I have. Living in my car for a year was a good lesson. Because of that fact I try to appreciate my comforts even more.

I look around the world. There are people with so much more than I have and then again, people without food. Then when a natural disaster hits, we are all very quickly brought to a level playing field. Maybe the universe is once again trying to tell us something.  

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Rest is not idleness,
and to lie sometimes on a summer day listening to the murmur of water,
or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. - John Lubbock
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Friday, June 24, 2011

My Resting Place

I love my garden. It is my safe place, my resting place. I heal and feel at peace here. I once read somewhere a quote that went something like this:
"Build yourself a quiet sanctuary where you can receive from the universe".
I have and I do.
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

A gift from my father

I had written this before, but feel the need to repeat it today on Father's Day.

My dad was brought up Catholic. My mom Protestant. They decided to raise us in the Protestant church. There was no getting out of going to church every Sunday. Except, that is, on the occasional Sunday that my dad would wake me up early to work with him on the apple orchard. Thinking I was getting out of church was usually short lived as my dad always found a way of still getting a lesson in there somewhere for the day.

When I was fourteen, everyone was given a permission slip for our parents to sign so that we could join the church. I thought my dad would be really happy that this was something I wanted to do. So, that evening after dinner, I gave him the paper to sign. He looked at it, put it back on the table and said that he would not sign it. I was quite confused to say the least.

He explained it like this. It was he and my mom's intention that I get a good base, a good foundation. Now that he felt that I had it, it was my turn to go and decide what was truly right for me. If for the next few years I wanted him to take me to the catholic church, he would. A synagogue, baptist, advent, temple....he would. It was truly up to me, but I had to study something. If there was no place near for me to go, then I was to get a book. We would then talk about it later.

To this day I treasure this gift. This freedom to truly believe what resonates within.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Bee Said

As I sat in my garden
Much to my dismay
A bee came along
And wanted to play.

I asked him to leave
He kept buzzing around
I said I'm allergic
He just kept buzzing his sound.

Again I had told him
I needed him to leave
He buzzed even closer
And landed on my sleeve.

I asked why he insisted
On landing on me
He said just have faith
And to just let things "be".

It will work out just fine
Please know that it will
These things on your mind
Just allow in God's will.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Risk taking with age...

Risk taking with age......

When I was young, I was a firefighter, a cop and a rescue worker. I loved the adrenaline rush of whatever situation was put before me.

Now, at 53, to get a rush I find myself shaving my legs in the shower. The challenges are the fact that I cannot feel the outside of my left leg from the knee down and oh, I don't wear my contact lenses.

Guess some things really do change with age.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Human. Being.

Dear God,

Please help the human in me be gentler with the being in me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Physical Stone

I've not visited my blog in awhile. I have taken the time to work on my physical self, or as previously shown to me, my physical stone.

I believe that I have done very well. I have gotten back into eating healthfully (except for today, it's my birthday and I'm going for ice cream with Fred). The weight is starting to come off. I also have started going back to the gym. It's a meager effort as I am trying not to hurt my back in anyway, but I am at least doing SOMETHING! It's crazy how much strength I have lost and a little daunting how far I have to go, but I am seeing healing.

I went to my doctor. Since I hurt my back last June, he has been suggesting at every visit that I have surgery on my back . I have not. Somehow this option just didn't "sit well" within me. Instead I have rested. I have done my physical therapy. I have babied myself. I have had two injections. I guess that if I truly believe that thoughts and intentions are things which can be manifested I should live it, so, I have even spent a bit of time talking to my back, an odd concept, but.... This time he said that I had progressed to the point that the surgery option was off the table. How cool is that!?!? I still have a ways to go. I still have numbness and pain in various places in my leg, foot and toes, but it's better! I was told by doctors that there was only a 30% chance that anything would come back without surgery. Ha! Doctors, what do they know...?

On to my next healing stone.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Three Simple Words

This morning I got up for work at my usual time, 2:50am. I had a fitful night sleep and therefore I'm still tired. My back hurts. I know it's cold out. 6 degrees with a forecast of more snow. There is already over two feet in my yard. I'll not be gardening until August. Now that's a depressing thought for me so early. UGH!

So, I take my shower, make my tea and then sit for a few quiet minutes of meditation before the day begins. I find that I can't quite quiet my mind. Already, it's off and running with things to do. I feel grumpy, cranky even. Not the way I like my day to begin.

I go about my usual, getting dressed, making my husband's lunch, my breakfast, etc. and can't seem to lighten my mood.

Then, I take a minute to check my e-mail. I notice one from a friend that lives in another state. I open it. "How are you?" appears on the screen. Instantly, it seems, a smile is on my face and my mood lightened. The cold I was feeling is gone. All is good in my world.

It is now afternoon. So many times throughout the day those words have crossed my mind. My lips smile. My heart smiles. Just three simple words. Such power they hold.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Some Simple Questions/Some Tough Answers

What makes me happiest?

What am I most proud of?

A special moment in my life was…

What do I love to do?

What do I truly love?

Who do I enjoy being with?

I AM………..

What makes me laugh is…

My fondest moment was when…

My favorite thing is…

My favorite food is…

My favorite drink is…

My favorite place in the world is…

Where have I vacationed?

Where have I lived?

What humbled me most was..

My parents and grandparents names are…

Favorite dessert is…

A favorite memory shared with Mom.

Favorite music / musicians

A favorite memory shared with Dad.

Favorite actor / actresses

A favorite memory shared with grandparents.

Pets I have loved.

If I could be anywhere, where would that be? Who would be with me? Doing what?

My favorite toy as a child was…

The person I admire most…

I find joy in…

What does a hug mean?

What is my favorite picture of me?

My favorite plant or flower is

My favorite quote…

Standards I live by are…

Most inspiration to me has been….

My first love was…

I’m most comfortable with myself when…

I cherish most….

I treasure most…

My dreams are…

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Three Answers

God only gives three answers to prayer:

1. 'Yes!'

2. 'Not yet.'

3 'I have something better in mind.'

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a minute to clear your mind. Read the questions below one at a time. Answer with the first thing that comes to mind.

1.) Who is most important to you?

2.) What is most important to you?

3.) If you could be anywhere, where would you be?

4.) What would you be doing?

5.) Would anyone be with you? If so, who?

6.) What is your most treasured possession? Why?

7.) Seeing as you can’t change the past, what’s one thing you’d wish for the future?

8.) What is your passion?

9.) What angers you the quickest? Why?

10.) When was the last time you were still with yourself?

Now reread your answers. List three things, whether you believe possible at this time or not, that would take you closer to where you want to be.



Pray on these three things daily. Ask for help. Doors will open.
Patience. Trust. Gratitude.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolutions vs Intentions

I believe that every year most of us set out with good intentions and make resolutions.

I have begun to see, for me at least, that there is a very big difference. When I make a resolution, I believe that I put all of the pressure on me to succeed. With all the demands and craziness that life has to offer...I fail.

Therefore, this year, I am putting out my intentions. I am asking for help. I know from past experience I cannot do it alone. God knows I've tried year after year.

By putting my intentions out into the universe, I can relax. The pressure is no longer on me.. Don't get me wrong, I know that I still have to do my part, but I have help now. My own personal assistants, if you will, whenever and wherever I need them. Most importantly, get this.....they're free! They are just waiting to help. Remember what I wrote previously about "Matter doesn't matter"? Well I think I should take my own advice on this one.

Also, when we make resolutions I think that maybe we are limiting ourselves. Just maybe if we put it out there and allow ourselves to be open, maybe we will receive something even better than we could ever possibly imagine for ourselves. Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing?

So here we go. This year these are my intentions......
For my physical body to heal. For it to become healthy, happy and feel beautiful.
To truly know both peace of mind and spirit.
To be gentler, kinder to people around me, especially myself.
To become a better, open channel for spirit to communicate through me in order to serve others.
To personally know, feel and show wisdom and grace.

So now it's out there. Out for the whole universe to see. Such anticipation. Such wonder.