Before I can move on, I feel that I must review the basics. I must check the foundation for cracks and make any repair necessary. So, what have I learned? What do I believe that I feel that I need to review?
Thoughts are things. I do believe this. I believe that in order to live a peaceful life you must be able to control your thoughts. A tough one for me. My mind is all over the place....always. I could improve on this greatly by being more aware of my thoughts. Catch myself frequently and realize what just went through my mind. Was it good, bad, judgemental, self abusive, etc. I do believe that you create your own world, your own reality. For me, I guess that my thoughts for other people must be warm and inviting and not so much for myself. I realize I have been so focused on my weight going up that it has. I'm going to start thinking about my weight going down and we'll see. Something to think about ....literally.
Intentions. Just as I believe that thoughts are things, I believe that you can create the life that you wish to live along with the friends and things that you desire by simply focusing on them. I believe that if you have bad intentions you live badly. Good intentions, you live well. Your thoughts, your intentions, are manifested into your reality.
Great intentions + UMPH = a wonderful thing.
Matter doesn't matter. I whole heartedly believe in the spirit world. I have never not known spirit around me. Sometimes I'm more comfortable comunicating to them rather than talking to humans here. I believe that spirit want us to be happy and it doesn't matter to them whether we ask for a healing for a loved one or a parking space. I believe that they are there in order to help us through our journey and they are quite happy to help us with whatever our needs happen to be at any particular moment. They just want to be recognized and invited by us to help no matter what. So to them, matter doesn't matter.
Two things. First, if what I'm doing isn't working, stop and rest. Another tough one for me. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues.
I believe though that if I took a step back and the time to stop and rest for a moment I would be better able to see the reason that it's not working. Second, I believe that if what I'm doing isn't working, I should try doing the opposite. It's much easier going with the flow rather than trying to swim against the current, but you have to see it first.
Be bold enough to ask for what want. I do have a hard time with this one. I either feel that I'm not worthy of something, or that it might put someone else out. I was watching my cat the other day while I was petting her. She has absolutely no problem letting me know exactly where she wants me to pet her. She moves her head in order to get exactly what she wants. She is bold enough to let me know what she won't stand for also. I am bold in many ways, maybe I need to let it carry over into my own needs.
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